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Complete your fencing products with our range of timber fencing supplies including fence posts, gravel boards and fence stain. 

Fence Posts

We stock timber fence posts and concrete fence posts in a range of sizes, ideal for use in constructing fencing and attaching arris rail, feather edge boards and gravel boards. Choose from our rough-sawn 4x4 and 3x3 fence posts in both 8ft and 10ft. 

Gravel Boards

Shop our range of gravel boards to provide a sturdy and level base for fencing, protecting the panels from excess moisture and contact with the ground. Wooden gravel boards, often simply referred to as sawn wooden boards, are also used in hit-and-miss style fencing, or to create horizontal fencing with no feathered edge. 

Timber Battens

For a modern take on fencing, create a stylish slat-style fence with our ungraded treated timber battens. Pressure treated, they are ideal for garden projects, and attached in a close-fit horizontally to fence posts they create an ideal privacy screen that allows light and breeze to pass through. They are also useful for creating custom trellises, and for use as back rail in fencing. 

Feather Edge Boards

Our rough-sawn feather edge boards are cut from 22mm thick boards, created by cutting diagonally down the length of the boards to create a board that is narrower on one edge, ideal for overlapping when building fencing, which allows water to easily roll off and minimise gaps between boards.

Exterior Wood Treatments and Fencing Stain

Complete any exterior wood project with our range of decking and treatments. For rough-sawn boards, our fencing stains are specially designed to provide the correct coverage for rough-sawn timber, creating a cohesive look in a colour of your choice.